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Real Estate Marketing tips to help promote your business

Updated: Feb 26

In recent years, the competition on the real estate market has become aggressive.

Low inventories have only exacerbated the problem since the start of the pandemic. Therefore, both online and offline skills and expertise are required.

But which tactics really work for successful real estate professionals in today's market?

Well, certainly not all. Only the right steps can lead you to satisfying results.

Here are a few tips we’ve put together to assist you in promoting your business. Whether you’re just getting started or are an experienced realtor looking to attract new clients:

  1. Website is a must! If you don’t have one then start working on it! A modern and responsive (optimized for mobile) website will show prospective clients what you have to offer. You can add something that gives your website an added value, for example a mortgage calculator.

Pro tip: if you want to build your own website in a cost-effective way but you don't have any design or coding skills you can consider using Strikingly the best free website builder for anyone to create a gorgeous, mobile-friendly website easily.

2. Use social media! Make sure you’re engaging with your clients and prospects on all popular networks, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

Pro tip: establish yourself as an authority in your network by demonstrating that you know what you're talking about.

3. Hire a professional photographer! The majority of home buyers start their home search online, which means they base their first impression of a property on the photos in the listing. They will most likely look at the photos and decide whether or not to read the description or move on to the next property. Poor-quality photography can eventually lead to more days on the market and a lower sale price.

Pro tip: use drone photography and take panoramic shots of the home’s exterior and surrounding landscape.

4. Content is king! Engage with your clients and prospects by staying in active touch with them via a newsletter. Make sure your emails provide timely, detailed information related to what your clients or prospects are looking for. Send them relevant content, report on local real estate news, and update them on listings in their area.

Pro tip: capture emails from your website or create a sales funnel by using Facebook or Instagram ads to market your content to prospects.

5. Film video walkthroughs! Nowadays consumers are responsive to full immersion experiences, especially when it comes to learning about the homes they might buy. If you're selling or renting properties, making detailed video tours of them and posting those clips with your listings can add credibility and intrigue to your real estate marketing.

Pro tip: You can offer live virtual tours to clients via Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype. You can also do a live video on social media.

Like most things in life, there are many ways to get a job done. Try putting our tips into practice and you'll start to see more success attracting potential customers and selling your listings.

If you need assistance and support in fulfilling the above tips or if you are looking for a tailor made marketing strategy, you can always contact us at

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